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Winter Solstice Meditation: Bringing Light into Darkness

Sa., 17. Dez.


Online Event via Livestream

Step into sacred space with me! During the window of Winter Solstice there’s the opportunity to bring down the Light during the darkest days of the year. We come together in a likeminded group of souls to refresh our energy levels and gently wash away any old emotions and shadows.

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Winter Solstice Meditation: Bringing Light into Darkness
Winter Solstice Meditation: Bringing Light into Darkness

Time & Location

17. Dez. 2022, 19:00 MEZ – 18. Dez. 2022, 20:30 MEZ

Online Event via Livestream

About the Event

Coming up: Winter Solstice Light Meditation

18.12.22, 19.00h Berlin time GMT+1 

Online via livestream


Let's take a moment out of our busy schedules to bring Light into Darkness. 

The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and a wonderful time for contemplation. As we're moving through the journey of transformation we sometimes need a moment to connect again to our inner light so we can nourish and replenish ourselves  – especially in times where the light doesn't seem to come to us from our surroundings. In the darkness hides a treasure: we're invited to change our ways and tune inwards where we connect to our inner resources, and they are richer than you can imagine. 

During this last sweet & deep meditation of the year, we take a moment to look at where we’ve been in the past 12 months, where we’ve arrived in present day, and where we'd like to go in the time ahead. So set your intentions for a magical, bountiful and loving 2022!

W H A T  T O  E X P E C T

Together we will open a high-vibrational healing space where you can more quickly and gracefully release old emotions, blockages and even karma and receive new states of being. If you're sensitive, you can receive upgrades in your energetic system so you can hold more light / higher awareness. We'll work under guidance of the Guides of the Light. I will bring you in a deep state of stillness and quiet awareness, the state that is closely connected to your soul or higher self and the higher dimensions of the spiritual realms. From this place it is easy to see everything clearly and let go of anything you wish to release. Everything happens in love and ease. You gain insights and a deep feeling of peace and the compassion for all that is.

In the first part we open up our system, in the second part we're ready to receive the new energies. During the 'energy bath' or healing transmission, most people get so relaxed they slide into the state known as 'Yoga Nidra'. You'll leave feeling nourished, refreshed and back to your natural high vibe self again.

Calling all lightworkers: 

We’ll also use the moment to send a little peace and healing to the planet as the world needs this right now. With the ones who choose to join we’ll create a beautiful Crystalline Lightgrid of higher consciousness from Bali to Hawaii and send our prayer of peace, abundance and transmutation to the areas in the world where there’s fear and confusion. In this higher energy you’ll be embraced - and amazed what happens! You have the opportunity to calm yourself and send your love to the planet.

B E N E F I T S  

⊹  improved clarity of mind & spirit 

⊹  improved mood 

⊹  heavy emotions and blockages are lifted  

⊹  renewed energy & good vibes 

⊹  feeling of being *you* again

P R O G R A M   

⊹ Intro

⊹ Sharing  

⊹ Gentle breath work & meditative movement to calm the system

⊹ Guided Meditation, Healing & Energetic Upgrades 

⊹ Return to Earth / your body  

⊹ Sharing  

⊹ Outro

I N F O  

⊹ When: Tuesday 17.12 at 19.00h – 20.30h (ca) 

⊹ Where: Online in the comfort of your own home (the link for access will be given upon payment & registration)   

⊹ Early Angel until 11.11: 25€ 

⊹ Regular admission: 30€   

⊹ Language: English / German (if possible pls specify your preference) 

⊹ For everyone who wishes to deepen their spiritual practice 

⊹ No prior experience necessary

⊹ Please note registration closes 1 day before the start of the event 

⊹ Tickets are non-refundable, see terms & conditions

⊹ Feel free to write me in case of any questions

Did you see this event? Take it as a sign and book your spot now!

Looking forward to a beautiful starlight circle! Let's come together and connect to that inner peace ♡

With love &  sunshine, 


Want to know more? Read my testimonials here.

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C A N C E L A T I O N   P O L I C Y

With the purchase of the ticket your participation is binding. In the event of cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start of the event, the fee will be refunded. 50% of the fee must be paid 1 week before the event, 48-24 hours before the start of the healing circle 100%. The date of receipt of the cancellation notice by e-mail is decisive. You have the option of naming a replacement participant.

T E R M S   &   C O N D I T I O N S

This seminar includes processes of a meditative nature. The seminar is not intended as a therapeutic room of any kind; As a participant, you are responsible for yourself and your own well-being at all times. Participation and arrival and departure are at your own risk and responsibility. The instructor is not liable for damage of a psychological, physical or physical nature.


  • Early Angel

    Valid until 12.12

    25,00 €
    Sale ended
  • Regular Admission

    30,00 €
    Sale ended


0,00 €

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Selianthe Ka

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