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Sacred Women Circle: Balance the Masculine & Feminine

So., 16. Mai



Let's step into sacred space to unite the divine Masculine and Feminine. Release energetic blockages and open your High Heart.

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Sacred Women Circle: Balance the Masculine & Feminine
Sacred Women Circle: Balance the Masculine & Feminine

Time & Location

16. Mai 2021, 16:00 – 18:00 MESZ

Zürich, Imfeldsteig 12, 8037 Zürich, Switzerland


About the Event


There’s a long history between the male and the female. Both took turns in playing the suppressor and the victim. In ancient times the female energy ruled, and wounded the male energy deeply. In less ancient times the male energy took the dominant turn and wounded the female energy deeply. Now the feminine has had enough of its victim role and energies are shifting into a new paradigm.

We’re reaching a new balance. Trust can be re-established and a Sacred Union between the male and female is possible - and much wanted and needed at this time. But before that, some healing work has to take place. Ancestral patterns can be released, the collective consciousness healed so the inner male and female can live in harmony again. Using the special energies available to us I’d love to invite you to this special and wonderful Heart Healing. Come, let go and receive the wonderful energies of the Cosmos to heal your High Heart ✨


⊹ Clearing & upgrading the sacred womb center

⊹ Establishing a new balance between the masculine & feminine

⊹ Inner marriage between the sun & the moon

⊹ Restoring harmony & trust

⊹ Balancing of the heart & sacral chakra

⊹ Removal of blockages, shields & cords

⊹ Release of old, blocked emotions

⊹ Forgiveness of old partners

⊹ Letting go of old hurt making place for love & trust

O V E R L I G H T I N G   D E I T I E S

⊹ Durga

⊹ Kali

⊹ Shekina

⊹ Guides of the Silver & Golden Ray

W H A T   H A P P E N S

The session will help you deepen your spiritual practive. Together we will open a high-vibrational healing space where you can more quickly and gracefully release old emotions, blockages and even karma and receive new states of being. If you're sensitive, you can receive upgrades in your energetic system so you can hold more light / higher awareness. We'll work under guidance of the Guides of the Light. I will bring you in a deep state of stillness and quiet awareness, the state that is closely connected to your soul or higher self and the higher dimensions of the spiritual realms. From this place it is easy to see everything clearly and let go of anything you wish to release. Everything happens in love and ease. You gain insights and a deep feeling of peace and the compassion for all that is.

In the first part we open up our system, in the second part we're ready to receive the new energies. During the 'energy bath' or healing transmission, most people get so relaxed they slide into the state known as 'yoga nidra'. You'll leave feeling nourished, refreshed and back to your natural high vibe self again.


⊹ Intro

⊹ Sharing

⊹ Clearing through herbal smoke, gentle yoga & breath work

⊹ Guided Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Healing & Energetic Upgrades

⊹ Return to Earth / your body

⊹ Sharing

⊹ Outro


⊹ Level: Intermediate

⊹ Investment: €20 - €30

⊹ When: Sunday 16th of May

⊹ Where: A beautiful space, Imfeldsteig 12, 8037 Zürich

⊹ COVID19: Participation is only possible upon showing a negative test result

⊹ Language: German / English

⊹ For ladies only, suitable for pregnant mamas to be

⊹ Theme: Inner Peace, Harmony, A New Dawn, Equilibrium

⊹ Hosted by the wonderful Annie Gisler

C O V I D - 1 9   I N F O

⊹ IMPORTANT: Participation is only possible upon showing a negative test result no older than 24 hrs

⊹ This event will respect the mandatory safety rules that apply for all the public gatherings

⊹ It will take place in a room that will be aired out as frequently as possible and will be cleared with smoke

⊹ Places will be limited

⊹ Disinfectant will be made available and can be used upon arrival

⊹ Each participant will be free to evaluate at any time the level of closeness that he or she is comfortable to have with other participants

⊹ Wearing masks will not be mandatory but allowed for those is us who feel more comfortable with it

⊹ If at any time you feel like you're not in optimal health please send us your cancellation immediately and you'll receive a full reimbursement

We have around 10 spots available for an intimate gathering.

Looking much forward ♡

With much love and star dust,


C A N C E L A T I O N   P O L I C Y

With the purchase of the ticket your participation is binding. In the event of cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start of the event, the fee will be refunded. 50% of the fee must be paid 1 week before the event, 48-24 hours before the start of the healing circle 100%. The date of receipt of the cancellation notice by e-mail is decisive. You have the option of naming a replacement participant.

T E R M S   &   C O N D I T I O N S

This seminar includes processes of a meditative nature. The seminar is not intended as a therapeutic room of any kind; As a participant, you are responsible for yourself and your own well-being at all times. Participation and arrival and departure are at your own risk and responsibility. The instructor is not liable for damage of a psychological, physical or physical nature.


"Zuallererst möchte ich ein großes DANKESCHOEN an Selianthe geben! Die Meditation mir ihr war ein unglaublich bereicherndes, multidimensionales und, für mich persönlich, sehr intimes Erlebnis. Schon bevor wir die eigentliche Session gestartet haben, konnte man fühlen wie viel Herzblut und Achtsamkeit Selianthe investiert hatte um einen sicheren und urteilsfreien Raum zu schaffen. Unsere Session liegt jetzt schon mehrere Monate zurück, in vielen Momenten denke ich daran zurück und kann jedes Mal aufs Neue etwas daraus schöpfen. Vielen Lieben Dank nochmal Selianthe - würde mich sehr freuen noch einmal teilzunehmen und kann es jedem nur sehr empfehlen :) Alles Liebe xxx Theresa" – Theresa, German girl in Amsterdam

“I really enjoyed the meditation. Even before we started I could feel how much heart and soul Selianthe had put into creating, guiding and hosting the journey. It was a very safe space to dive deep, let go, purge the old and receive deep insights and gifts. Really the experience itself was so multidimensional that it would be hard to put in words. I really enjoyed the beautiful sense of connection in the group, that made it very easy to feel ‘at home’ and share the journey. The loving space Selianthe created that continued beyond the meditation into the sharing round afterwards enabled me to deepen and integrate the experiences. I left feeling re-centred and reconnected. Thank you again.” – Mirjam, German girl in Berlin

Want to know more about me? Have a look at my ABOUT section.


  • Regular Admission

    €20 is the minimum exchange, everything above is donation based / given from love ♡

    20,00 €
    Sale ended


0,00 €

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