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⊹ Lions Gate Activation ⊹ Starlight Circle ⊹

Sa., 08. Aug.


Panta Rhei- Bewegungszentrum

Inner Space is the place. On August 8th we have the opportunity to align ourselves with the sacred blue Teacher Star Sirius and its powerful Lion Spirit 🌟 The Lionsgate Portal is considered a gateway into the heavens and into higher realms of consciousness.

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⊹ Lions Gate Activation ⊹ Starlight Circle  ⊹
⊹ Lions Gate Activation ⊹ Starlight Circle  ⊹

Time & Location

08. Aug. 2020, 14:30 – 17:30

Panta Rhei- Bewegungszentrum, Choriner Str. 52, 10435 Berlin, Germany


About the Event

Lions Gate Activation ⊹ Starlight Circle  ⊹ 08.08.2020 

Join me into sacred space, connect to yourself within and upgrade your energetic body. 

⊹ T H E M E :   L I O N S   G A T E   –   S T A R   A C T I V A T I O N 

On August 8th we have the opportunity to align ourselves with the sacred blue Teacher Star Sirius and its powerful Lion Spirit. The Lionsgate Portal is a gateway into the heavens and into higher realms of consciousness. During this time, high frequency light and cosmic energies from the star Sirius wash over Earth, in order to help advance the human race and raise the consciousness of our planet. The Lionsgate Portal is activated every year on July 26th when the Sun, Sirius, and the Earth move to specific points in the sky. The cosmic energy is most abundant on the day 08.08, which is why it’s the most significant day. The Gate closes again on August 11th / 12th. 

⊹ A B O U T

The form of energy healing I work with transcends time and space, and can vibrate throughout the cosmos on levels we’re yet to understand. Spirit knows no boundaries, nor does our own consciousness. Energy = light = information and can be ‘downloaded’ into the etheric body / light body / Earth as deeper knowledge, blessings, alignment with Higher Self and beautiful opportunity. 

⊹ W H A T   H A P P E N S ?

Inner space is the place. Together we'll turn inwards for an inner journey through guided meditation. We'll do exercises to calm the nervous system, clean the energetic body through breath work and gentle movement and surround ourselves with a cocoon of healing energy of the Silver Violet Flame so you may let go of ego structures, energetic cords, old emotions and blockages. You'll feel deeply nourished, light and relaxed.

Calling all lightworkers: We’ll also use the moment to send a little peace and healing to the planet as the world needs this right now. With the ones who choose to join we’ll create a beautiful Crystalline Lightgrid of higher consciousness from Bali to Hawaii and send our prayer of peace, abundance and transmutation to the areas in the world where there’s fear and confusion. In this higher energy you’ll be embraced - and amazed what happens! You have the opportunity to calm yourself and send your love to the planet.

⊹ B E N E F I T S :

Results are:  – a deeper sense of personal freedom and self-confidence   – clarity of mind & spirit  – pain and stiffness leaving the body  – posture straightening  – cell rejuvenation  – reset of the nervous system  – renewed energy & good vibes  – feeling of being *you* again

⊹ P R O G R A M :

– Intro

– Clearing exercises 

– Meditation, Healing & Energetic Upgrades

– Return to Earth / your body 

– Outro

⊹ I N F O :

–  Early angel until 18.07: 40€

–  Regular admission: 45€     

– Time: Saturday 08.08. from 14:30h-17:30h      

–  Where: Pantha Rei, Choriner str. 52, 10435 Berlin     

–  In total are 7 places available for an intimate gathering (places are marked for the mandatory distance)

–  Snacks and tea will be there for you

–  Mats and blankets are available

–  No prior experience necessary

–  Feel free to write me in case of any questions

⊹ P R A C T I C A L   I N F O   ( C O V I D - 1 9 ) 

–  This event will respect the mandatory safety rules that apply for all the public gatherings

–  It will take place in a room that will be aired out as frequently as possible and will be cleared with smoke

–  Places will be limited

–  Disinfectant will be made available and can be used upon arrival

–  Each participant will be free to evaluate at any time the level of closeness that he or she is comfortable to have with other participants

–  Wearing masks will not be mandatory but allowed for those is us who feel more comfortable with it

Looking forward to a beautiful starlight circle! Let's channel that inner peace, come together and spread our light ♡

With love & peace,


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C A N C E L A T I O N   P O L I C Y  

With the purchase of the ticket your participation is binding. In the event of cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start of the event, the fee will be refunded. 50% of the fee must be paid 1 week before the event, 48-24 hours before the start of the healing circle 100%. The date of receipt of the cancellation notice by e-mail is decisive. You have the option of naming a replacement participant.

T E R M S   &   C O N D I T I O N S 

This seminar includes processes of a meditative nature. The seminar is not intended as a therapeutic room of any kind; As a participant, you are responsible for yourself and your own well-being at all times. Participation and arrival and departure are at your own risk and responsibility. The instructor is not liable for damage of a psychological, physical or physical nature.

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Selianthe Ka

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