Divine Mother Meditation
So., 21. Okt.
|Location is TBD
You're warmly invited to be enfolded by the beautiful, warm energies of the Mother. Join for a peaceful moment of relaxation and introspection ✨ Level: Intermediate Investment: 25,- to 30,- euro sliding scale Language: German / English For ladies & gents, suitable for pregnant mamas to be

Time & Location
21. Okt. 2018, 15:00 – 18:00
Location is TBD
About the Event
Many of us miss the gentle energy of the Mother. She nourishes us, protects us and leads us into independence in a kind, firm and loving way. She is there for us and is mature in her wisdom. We are allowed to make mistakes to learn and grow but are at the same time lovingly protected and safeguarded from harm. She enfolds us with her warmth and has love for us exactly as we are. With the Mother you feel safe and infinitely loved.
The energy is kind and soft, accepting, mature, nurturing, loving and protecting.
Deity: Hathor
Guide: Mother Meera
Colour: Crimson red, Gold
Flower: White lily
Number: 33
Come if you feel you need a moment of relaxation and self-care, if you like to connect to the energies of being a mother (to yourself or others) and if you like to give this gift to your inner child.
** This day there will also be a meteorite shower in the sky (Orionids); the energy of the Sternenregen can be felt and is present as beautiful white light showering upon us. It helps to shine light and accelerates your process.
Benefits of working on the energetic level include:
• improved clarity of mind & spirit
• improved mood
• heavy emotions are lifted
• renewed energy & good vibes
• feeling of being *you* again
For the ones who feel inspired to seek balance within and to take a moment to look inwards, relax & let go:
✨ Program:
- Intro
- Clearing through gentle yoga & breath work
- Guided meditation
- Return to Earth / your body
- Outro
✨ Info:
- Theme: The Divine Mother
- Level: Intermediate
- Facilitator: Selianthe Ka
- Investment: 25,- to 30,- euro sliding scale (give what you feel)
- Language: German / English
- For ladies & gents, suitable for pregnant mamas to be
🌿 More details & application via <sweet.energy.yoga@gmail.com>
I have around 4 spots available for an intimate gathering, location follows upon registration.
Looking much forward ♡
With much love and star dust,
Selianthe Ka is a yogini who’s work focuses on balancing the material and spiritual planes. Experienced in meditations and familiar with energy healing since years she has a passion for teaching techniques for healing and reconnection. Born highly sensitive and an empath, Selianthe is a natural healer and intuitive who senses the energetic fields of people and places. Since 2011 she’s made a study out of various forms of yoga, modern spirituality as well as qigong – practices that teach techniques to nurture and relax the nervous system, cultivate energy, expand awareness, quiet the mind and strengthen the subtle body.
“Every day I practice reconnection, healing meditation, yoga and chakra clearing to harmonise my energy field and keep my vibration high and uplifted. I focus on cultivating awareness, self-love, non-judgement, personal ascension & descension, off-planetary alignment, Crystal Consciousness, from the heavens to the earth, essentialism & transformation, from an out-of-control ego back to the core essence of Self.”
See also:
"Zuallererst möchte ich ein großes DANKESCHOEN an Selianthe geben! Die Meditation mir ihr war ein unglaublich bereicherndes, multidimensionales und, für mich persönlich, sehr intimes Erlebnis. Schon bevor wir die eigentliche Session gestartet haben, konnte man fühlen wie viel Herzblut und Achtsamkeit Selianthe investiert hatte um einen sicheren und urteilsfreien Raum zu schaffen. Unsere Session liegt jetzt schon mehrere Monate zurück, in vielen Momenten denke ich daran zurück und kann jedes Mal aufs Neue etwas daraus schöpfen. Vielen Lieben Dank nochmal Selianthe - würde mich sehr freuen noch einmal teilzunehmen und kann es jedem nur sehr empfehlen :) Alles Liebe xxx Theresa" – Theresa, German girl in Amsterdam
“I really enjoyed the meditation. Even before we started I could feel how much heart and soul Selianthe had put into creating, guiding and hosting the journey. It was a very safe space to dive deep, let go, purge the old and receive deep insights and gifts. Really the experience itself was so multidimensional that it would be hard to put in words. I really enjoyed the beautiful sense of connection in the group, that made it very easy to feel ‘at home’ and share the journey. The loving space Selianthe created that continued beyond the meditation into the sharing round afterwards enabled me to deepen and integrate the experiences. I left feeling re-centred and reconnected. Thank you again.” – Mirjam, German girl in Berlin