Being Psychic: How to Handle the Spiritual Realms
Sa., 12. Sept.
|Online via ZOOM
Join this online class if you can see, sense, hear or feel Spirits and like to gain understanding in how to handle this special gift.

Time & Location
12. Sept. 2020, 14:00 – 16:00
Online via ZOOM
About the Event
Being Psychic: How to Handle the Spiritual Realms ⊹  Saturday 12.09.2020
Join me for a 120 min online class to learn how to handle your special gift.
⊹ B E I N G   I N   T H E   W O R L D   B U T   N O T   O F   T H E   W O R L DÂ
Growing up I always perceived the spiritual realms, yet never knew what to do with it. Spirits were around me but since no one validated my experiences or taught me what to do with it, I just let it be. Gradually over time I went into disassociation and tried to tune it all out in the hope it would go away. This continued for over years until I realised that this behaviour was not supporting me but rather destroying me, and the other realms would simply remain there — wether I would ignore them or not.
Accepting this I started to learn how to handle the spiritual realms and since have experienced many (sometimes beautiful, sometimes not so pleasant) lessons, initiations and growth. As I know what it’s like to see things flying around, and be at times quite lonely in my experiences, I feel I can offer a helpful fast track for those in need, as we all know this stuff isn't taught to us in highschool!Â
Examples of my own high sensitivity include: I feel and see the historical imprints of places and spaces – I sense spirits since I was a child (angels and earth bound spirits for instance) – I know things without people telling me – I remember past lives – I see flares of the past and the future (i.e. possible timelines) – I feel the condition of people’s auras – I feel my chakras and kundalini flow – Beings of the Light can work through me Â
⊹ W H A T   T O   E X P E C TÂ
Based on my years of experiences, I’ve gathered a helpful set of tools that support you during your daily life. During the seminar you will learn:Â
• How to handle earth bound spirits and help them to the other sideÂ
• How to deal with entities / 'non-physicals'
• How to connect to your Higher Self, Angels, Guides and other Light Beings
• Understand what it means to be clear-sentient, clear-voyant, clear-cognient and clear-audientÂ
• What to do when Black magic comes on your pathÂ
• How to keep your house 'energetically clean and free'
• Aura cleansing techniquesÂ
* Especially earth bound spirits will be helpful to know at this time as so many are currently stuck in between dimensions.
Can't attend in real time? No problem! A recording will be sent to you after the class. Â
⊹ I S  T H I S   F O R   M E  ?
This is for you if you can see, sense, hear or feel spirits. This is also helpful for you when you're generally tired of being scared in the dark, done with being harassed by earth bound spirits & disembodied, ready to stand in your power and take responsibility for your gift! Being psychic is an ancient gift and a special talent that deserves to be honoured and celebrated. This trait has been much demonised yet is actually a most important gift to the world.Â
⊹ P R O G R A MÂ
–  IntroductionÂ
–  Info & ToolsÂ
–  Q&A, sharing experiencesÂ
–  Healing chamber sessionÂ
–  ClosingÂ
⊹ I N F OÂ
–  When: Saturday 12.09 at 14.00h–16.00h (ca)
–  Where: Online over ZOOM (access given upon payment & registration) Â
–  Early Angel until 04.09: 25€
–  Regular admission: 30€ Â
–  Facilitator: Selianthe Ka
–  Language: English, German is possible upon requestÂ
–  No prior experience necessary
–  Registration closes 1 hour before the start of the event
–  Tickets are non-refundable, see terms & conditions belowÂ
–  Feel free to write me in case of any questions
Did you see this event? Take it as a sign 😉 Apply for your spot now!Â
Looking forward to connecting with you ♡
With love and star dust,Â
My goal is empowerment and self-acceptance of highly sensitive people around world, and to normalise spirituality.Â
Want to know more about me? Have a look at my ABOUT section.
Want to know more? Read my testimonials here.
With the purchase of the ticket your participation is binding. In the event of cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start of the event, the fee will be refunded. 50% of the fee must be paid 1 week before the event, 48-24 hours before the start of the healing circle 100%. The date of receipt of the cancellation notice by e-mail is decisive. You have the option of naming a replacement participant.
T E R M S Â Â & Â Â C O N D I T I O N S
This seminar includes processes of a meditative nature. The seminar is not intended as a therapeutic room of any kind; As a participant, you are responsible for yourself and your own well-being at all times. Participation and arrival and departure are at your own risk and responsibility. The instructor is not liable for damage of a psychological, physical or physical nature.
Early Angel
The Early Angel offer is valid until 04.09.
25,00 €Sale endedRegular Admission
30,00 €Sale ended
0,00 €